阿尔弗雷德大帝和盎格鲁撒克逊 [2013]

Michael Wood argues that the most important and influential British kings were a father, daughter, and grandson who lived over a thousand years ago during the age of the Vikings. Alfred of Wessex King Alfred and the Anglo SaxonsEpisode 1 of 3 King Alfred the Great fights a desperate guerrilla war in the marshes of Somerset - burning the cak...


Michael Wood argues that the most important and influential British kings were a father, daughter, and grandson who lived over a thousand years ago during the age of the Vikings. Alfred of Wessex King Alfred and the Anglo SaxonsEpisode 1 of 3 King Alfred the Great fights a desperate guerrilla war in the marshes of Somerset - burning the cak...

更新时间:2024-12-19 10:03:11
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