transmit号纪录片 (2017) 夸克

Netflix four-part documentary featuring five Indian girls working in a_turn-based education school at Arora PD Express School. The documentary includes 12 years of free education for children with low-income families. This program aims To give every eligible girl a meaningful chance to find work and support her family and community by instructing her children and her partner. The documentary highlights the challenges of building a meaningful free educational program and showcases ten stories of girls from Benin who work together in turn-based education chickens. The documentary also unites various stakeholders, including the head of the cropping salmon school, the education sector, and the rural development committee. The documentary serves as a reminder of the importance of free education and its impact on the lives of children from low-income families. PTM260718. Date: May 22, 2023. View count: approx 31M.


Netflix four-part documentary featuring five Indian girls working in a_turn-based education school at Arora PD Express School. The documentary includes 12 years of free education for children with low-income families. This program aims To give every eligible girl a meaningful chance to find work and support her family and community by instructing her children and her partner. The documentary highlights the challenges of building a meaningful free educational program and showcases ten stories of girls from Benin who work together in turn-based education chickens. The documentary also unites various stakeholders, including the head of the cropping salmon school, the education sector, and the rural development committee. The documentary serves as a reminder of the importance of free education and its impact on the lives of children from low-income families. PTM260718. Date: May 22, 2023. View count: approx 31M.

更新时间:2025-03-14 12:13:31
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