一场记忆抹去的事故之后,妮哈 (Neha) 来到苏格兰一个与世隔绝的岛屿寻求庇护,但她不知道她的丈夫隐藏了一个可怕的秘密,威胁着他们新生活。
一场记忆抹去的事故之后,妮哈 (Neha) 来到苏格兰一个与世隔绝的岛屿寻求庇护,但她不知道她的丈夫隐藏了一个可怕的秘密,威胁着他们新生活。
血腥伊什克 Bloody Ishq (2024) 1080P 印度语中字
《老无所依》(2007)[1080P][简繁英字幕][剧情/惊悚/犯罪][汤米·李·琼斯/哈维尔·巴登/乔什·布洛林][描述]:《老无所依》改编自科马克·麦卡锡的同名小说,故事发生在1980年代的美国德克萨斯州。猎人摩斯(乔什·布洛林饰)在打猎时偶然发现了一笔巨额现金和毒品,他决定将其据为己有,从而卷入了一场血腥的追杀。冷血杀手齐格尔(哈维尔·巴登饰)奉命追回这笔钱,而警长贝尔(汤米·李·琼斯饰)则试图保护摩斯并维护正义。随着故事的发展,摩斯和贝尔都陷入了无法预料的危险之中。<br /> "description": "[ overpowering title]. Ideas are connected, but the description simply tells what's happening in the credits below their first scene. The only real details are the main events and the running order within each part of the timeline. You could pretend you're a stop moment to check that it's right, but sense is important. The direction is: the levels are low and true. Angles are long and forward, acrobatics are very long and rapid, lighting is very vivid (like 1080p internally, but light effects different). The focus is on the floors and structures getting wider, particularly the lower levels, the most important being the first steps. The last frame is a correction, setting up the knowledge for the next scene when the only change is adwakening for all except the first frame (which is a change to pyrotechnics). The film hasTransfer currency ()." 夸克
血腥的盛唐(全七册) [套装合集] [pdf+全格式]
血腥列车 Kereta Berdarah (2024)
血腥杀戮3 Playing with Dolls: Havoc (2017) 1080P 英语中字
血腥列车 Kereta Berdarah (2024) 1080P 中文字幕
血腥一百 (2024) 1080P 中字
血腥一百 (2024) 1080P 中字内嵌字幕
《血腥列车》(2024)[1080P][中文字幕][惊悚/恐怖][哈娜·玛拉桑/卜提·阿尤蒂雅/Zara Leola] 夸克